Tips for Walking Tours

How to get prepared

Preparing to do a lot of walking? Whether you’ve signed up for a 5k or you’re planning a walking tour in Greece, Italy, Spain, or France there are some precautions you can take to help keep your stamina up, avoid sore feet, injuries and blisters and really enjoy your walk. The following is a list of tips for walking tours and how to get prepared to do alot of walking.

1. Hydrate

Just like your mother always told you, stay hydrated! And sorry, wine and cocktails don’t count! Make sure you are continuously drinking water as you go. Hydrate every 10 minutes if you can. Better to sip than to gulp.

2. Lubricate those feet

Often we will be walking on uneven surfaces. You’ll be amazed at how much better your feet will feel if you smear your feet with something like Vaseline, Glide or foot cream. It really makes a huge difference at the end of the day.

3. Trim your toenails

With so much going on during a walking tour, sometimes it’s easy to forget the basic care for your feet. Trim those toenails nice an short. You could lose a toenail if they are too long. You might want to wait to get a pedicure for after you’re done walking. You’re going to put a lot of wear and tear on those feet.

4. Stretch

Our tips for walking tours couldn’t miss the opportunity to reccommend stretching. While this is good for your body all the time, it is especially helpful to get prepared to do a lot of walking. Importantly, stretch not only before the walk, but continue to stretch as you go along. Every time there’s a pause or a break, do some stretches.

5. Eat

This is not the time for dieting, eat foods high in heme iron. That’s going to meat protein like beef, chicken and seafood. If you are able, eat small meals during a walking tour. It’s better to eat 4 or more small meals than one big one. It will help keep your energy up and keep you from feeling weighed down. Eat fresh foods instead of junk food. It will make a huge difference in your energy level and how you feel in general.

6. Socks

On your walking tour make sure you have good socks. Socks that breathe and have cushion in them are best. Get some good athletic socks.

7. Cool-down

Take a few minutes at the end of your walk to stretch and let your body cool down. It will help you avoid injuries and sore muscles.

8. Backpack

If you’re going to carry belongings with you bring a backpack that sits evenly on both shoulders. And use both straps! A backpack can only distribute weight evenly if it is worn properly over both shoulders. An over the shoulder bag or purse will throw your balance off and could leave you with a sore back at the end of the day.

9. Shoes

During long walks avoid sandals and open toed shoes, even if they are very comfortable. Now is not the time. An exception would be a sandals that are made especially for doing alot of walking. Usually, the best tip is to have a good pair of walking shoes or sneakers. Something with durability and cushion. When going over uneven terrain or steep stairs your feet and legs need the extra support. Flat’s like Converse don’t provide the right kind of support for your legs or back and will leave you feeling sore at the end.

10. Survival and first aid kit

Our tips for walking tours wouldn’t be complete without mentioning an often overlooked item. A basic first aid kit is so important to be completely prepared to do a lot of walking or traveling in general. I carry a tiny first aid kit in a sandwich size zip lock baggie. A few bandages, sunblock, bug spray, lotion, chapstick, antibiotic ointment, dental floss and tweezers – these are essentials for any walk if you ask me. If you get a splinter, blister, dry skin, chapped lips, or find out there are bugs you didn’t expect, you’ll be so glad you have these items with you. I also consider sunglasses and a hat to be part of my basic survival kit.

Do you have any other tips for long walks?

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